Why Your Syndication Show Choice Is Critical


Do Something Different.

I said in a previous post that the Chart Countdown, Hits and Headlines and Golden Hour type shows are ten a penny. A bit harsh you might think, it’s a popular format for a reason eh? That’s true, because when it’s done well it’s a good listen and can be very entertaining. However it’s a big world out there and the choice of show you can produce is much wider than that traditional formula.

In this post I will take a look at some of the shows that are desperately needed by the thousands of internet radio stations all around the world. Breaking away and doing something different gives you the edge when it comes to internet radio syndication. A word of warning though, don’t niche down too small otherwise you may limit your audience. Below is a list and by all means not an exhaustive list of shows that from experience are in demand. Make a show about something you are passionate and knowledgeable about and you are onto a winner.

Classic Albums

Let’s start with Classic Albums. This is a great idea, dedicate a one hour show to a classic album from the last 60 years. There’s hundreds to choose from. Imagine a deep dive into Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours or The Human League’s Dare. In an hour you can play most if not all of the tracks, sprinkle it with facts, stories and humour and you have a brilliant show that thousands of stations would love I’m sure. If someone did a good show like that I would schedule it on my station no question.


Probably the most popular form of music in history and pretty much the roots of all popular music. There’s a back catalogue of about 100 years to choose from so you won’t be short of music. And the stories, trivia and personalities are literally endless, this show could run forever. Mix it up a bit with older ‘Gold’ tracks and some newer releases and you’re off to the races. Do a deep dive and have a Blues legend feature each week and play say three of their tracks. Let your creativeness flow with this one. Remember it’s your show and you are the producer, you can play and do whatever you want.


It’s exactly the same for Folk music. Probably more specialist than Blues but still hugely popular. There are stations dedicated entirely to Folk music and the sub culture that surrounds it. Folk festivals are very popular where you will hear traditional and more modern Folk music. Again you have a back catalogue of many years to choose from alongside current artists who regularly release new material. Mix it up a bit with some old and some new (Gold and Current) and you will have a brilliant show that any Folk fan would love to hear.


Country music is insanely popular but you try and find a Country radio show for syndication. There are some out there and I take one on my station but they are few and far between. You may be thinking that the internet is flooded with Country music shows, maybe in America but it’s a big world out there. The UK and Ireland love Country music and I’m confident that a quality show full of great music and chat would be a big hit. You don’t have to have an American accent to present a Country music show. Just knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the genre and you will do well.

Latin American

Another show I would take if I could find one. Latin American influenced music. Think Gloria Estefan and The Miami Sound Machine and similar artists. It has a great summer infectious vibe and sounds great on the radio. You don’t have to be from Cuba to produce a great show, just a solid music choice with good presentation and you will succeed no question.

New Wave

Something I’m passionate about, late 70s and early 80s Post Punk and New Wave. This is a show waiting to happen. There are a few out there but there is always room for one more as this music is rarely played on the radio and deserves to be heard. Just think how successful John Peel was back in the day. Why not revisit those halcyon days and you will have a really cool show on your hands which stations would love.

Musical Theatre

Not everyone’s taste granted but another example of 100 years of music to choose from. Again the personalities and history for this genre is just endless and when done well is a very interesting listen for anyone into the theatre and arts.

Rockabilly/Rock & Roll

50s rockabilly is always popular and the current scene is just as vibrant as ever. This is another example of if there was a good show out there I would definitely schedule it on my station. There’s a lot more to the 50s than Elvis. It’s probably the coolest decade ever what with the music, clothes and lifestyle. So much to include in a show, if it’s a passion of yours then make it happen and get your show syndicated asap.

Rock & Metal

Some of the biggest bands ever come from this music genre meaning the world’s your oyster with this one. There’s some huge personalities, classic albums and legendary stories that make for great radio. This is a show begging to be made. There are so many types of Metal and sub cultures you will never be stuck for material and this show could run forever.


That’s just a taster of some different shows you could consider to break away from the norm and do something a little different. To make your show stand out from the crowd and give you the best chance of success, niche down a little. Don’t just play 90’s music, have a show about Brit Pop or don’t just play 80’s music, develop a show about Synth Pop. It literally is endless what you can create. Good luck with your show.
